Frequently Asked Questions about Folkish Summer Hallowing.
Where is it?
FSH 2025 will be held in Wayne county Pennsylvania. The address and directions will be provided on your ticket and with your registration.
What kind of Lodging is there?
The camp has large cabins with ten beds in each. The cabins have fans to keep you cool, and each cabin has its own hot water, showers, sinks, and toilets.
There are electrical outlets in each cabin for light use like charging phones (as in, don’t try plugging in toasters or anything like that.)
Are the cabins private?
The camp has large cabins with ten beds in each. Irminfolk volunteers work very hard to conscientiously assign cabins so that everyone has the best experience possible. Unfortunately, it is not possible to guarantee that your family will not have to share a cabin with someone. You are welcome to tent camp, or find accommodations locally.
Can I pitch a Tent?
The cabins can accommodate 150 guests so there wont be a shortage of bed-space. But you are welcome to tent camp if you like. Just let us know so we can show you where you can set up camp.
Are Meals included?
Yes, cafeteria style meals in the main dining hall are included in the price of admission.
Can I bring my Kindred Flag?
Please do! But we ask that you not use any sort of thumbtacks or nails to put it up. Find a non-destructive way to display it.
Are things like bed linens, toiletries, and towels provided?
No. This is a cabin camp setting where guests are provided with a bed and a mattress. There are storage spaces for clothing and belongings. We recommend you bring the following:
- Pillow
- Sheets (for a single size mattress)
- Blankets or sleeping bag
- Two towels (a bath towel and a beach towel if you are going swimming)
- Bathing suit (if you are going swimming)
- Personal toiletries
- Rain gear
- Insect repellant
- Water bottle
- Sunblock
- Flashlight
- Appropriate garb for Blot
- A sacrifice for the Ship
All participants must bring valid ID.
Will there be vendors?
Yes! vendors will be set up throughout the event selling their crafts and wares.
Are there Airports around there?
Yes! There are two airports within about an hour and a half drive of the camp.
- Lehigh Valley International Airport (ABE), 3311 Airport Road Allentown, PA
- Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport (AVP), 100 Terminal Rd, Avoca, PA
Will there be Swimming, Lake activities?
Yes! There is swimming in the designated area of the lake, as well as Canoes and small boats. Life jackets required for boating. Follow all rules posted at the lake and all instructions our lifeguards give!
Can I participate in the Mead contest?
Yes! Bring a bottle of your best homemade mead to enter into the competition or volunteer to help judge!
Can I bring my Dog, Sabertooth Aurochs, Flea Circus, etc.? He’s a Good Boi.
Sorry, but no pets are allowed.
You guys are a 501c3 Nonprofit, right? Are my tickets tax deductible?
Unfortunately your tickets are not tax deductible as you are receiving something tangible in return for your money. However, the Irminfolk is a “charity” under IRS regulations (our EIN # is 27-4491178) and we are always accepting donations.
Can I bring my Camera, Drone, etc?
Yes! Please bring your cameras! The more the merrier!
Alcoholic beverages allowed?
The facility we contracted has a BYOB policy, so yes, alcoholic beverages are allowed. However, please be mindful that while Folkish Summer Hallowing is a festive atmosphere, it is not a “party”. Patrons must be 21 or over to drink and must show valid ID. Stay neat and clean, and hold one another accountable.
“I’ll advise you a sixth thing:
If, in the course of drinking,
men become drunk,
do not fight your enemy
while you are drunk.
Wine steals the wits of many.
“Often a night
of song and beer
has caused men unhappiness;
it’s sometimes caused their death,
it’s sometimes gotten them cursed.
Drunkenness has caused untold sorrows.– Sigrdrifumal 29- 30
Dude, Weed bro?
Nope. The Irminfolk condemns recreational drug abuse. You will be immediately ejected without a refund.